Monday, October 2, 2006

4 Salwa Judum Militiamen killed - What goes around comes back

Salwa Judum Militiamen have been responsible for the cold-blooded
murder of upto 300 men and women unarmed naxalite sympathisers(conservative estimate ) and have
burnt more than 500 villages fully or partially.

Now they seem to be getting a taste of their own medicine.

Please note all burgeoise media sources mention without fail
the number of people killed by maoist's in every article they print.
Not a single article till today has mentioned the number of people
killed by Salwa Judum Militiamen.

Maoists kill four Chhattisgarh civil militia cadres

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

Four civil militia cadres in Chhattisgarh were killed by guerrillas of the banned Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) in a forested hamlet, police said Tuesday.

Three senior cadres of the government backed civil militia movement, Salwa Judum, (Campaign for Peace), were killed in a landmine explosion set off by the rebels late Monday in insurgency-hit Dantewada district’s Usoor police station area, 450 km from here.

‘Leftist extremists killed three tribesmen, all between 25 and 30 years, in a landmine blast while a 45-yr-old person was dragged out of his home Monday night and shot dead,’ a senior police officer told IANS.

Thousands of personnel of the federal police and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) have been carrying out raids since last week at rebel hideouts in Bastar forest - a region considered a Maoist hotbed for over three decades.

Chhattisgarh is among the 13 worst Maoist-infested Indian states and officials say at least 280 people, mostly tribal civilians, in the state’s southern Bastar region have been killed since January.

Maoists claim to fight for rights of poor peasants and landless labourers and have killed hundreds of people and destroyed government properties worth millions in a three-decade old movement that began in 1967.

- Indo Asian News Service

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