Wednesday, November 1, 2006

US Army hold's joint exercises with Indian Army in Karnataka - Target - The Revolutionary Maoist Movement

The US Army is training and holding
joint exercises with several battalions of the Indian Army in
belgaum, Karnataka.The purpose of this exercise is to familiarise
themselves with the terrain that the Maoists operate in
India and to impart guerilla warfare skills to all units involved.

The Maoists have of late seen a vast upsurge of popular
support in North Karnataka with recruitment to the
'People's Liberation Guerrilla Army' touching a record high.
These developments seem to have sent shivers down the spines
of the current puppet ruling class and their puppeteers.

The US government has active areas of interest in Karnataka with
more than 400 Multinational companies operating out of bangalore.
(the largest number for any Indian city)

India, U.S. hold counter-terrorism drill

Staff Correspondent

Belgaum: In what is seen as continuation of a process aimed at strengthening bilateral ties between India and the United States in the areas of political, economic and military importance that expedited after September 11 terrorist attack on the U.S., the armies of the two largest democracies are presently conducting joint exercise focussed on counter-terrorism operations in Belgaum.

The 10-day exercise themed "Shatrujeet" (victory over the enemy), the second in the series, is essentially a capsule on counter terrorism, being conducted in semi-urban insurgency environment with the objective of enhancing interoperability at functional level and share mutual experiences on counter terrorism operations along with Operations Other Than War, besides training and operations of an Infantry/Marine Company.

While the first such exercise with U.S. Marine Corps was conducted at Camp Pendleton in the U.S. in June last, Shatrujeet-06 is being conducted with 160 personnel each from Rifle company of 21 battalion of the Punjab Regiment and 2/4 Marine Regiment, U.S. Headed by Commanding Officers Colonel Vijay B. Nair of 21 Punjab Infantry Battalion and Major J. Scrabeck of 2/4 U.S. Marine Corps, their companies are drawing satisfactory results out of the joint exercise.According to Col. Nair, the exercise was part of the Indo-U.S. Defence cooperation under the aegis of Defence Policy Group.

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