Let us declare that the state of war does exist and shall exist so long as the Indian toiling masses and the natural resources are being exploited by a handful of parasites. They may be purely British Capitalist or mixed British and Indian or even purely Indian. They may be carrying on their insidious exploitation through mixed or even on purely Indian bureaucratic apparatus. All these things make no difference. ".....The war neither began with us nor is it going to end with our lives."
- Comrade Bhagat SinghMore quotes are available on wikiquote
Thanks to http://arasubalraj.blogspot.com/ for making the effort to put
Comrade Bhagat singh's quotes online
Today is March 23rd and it is the 76th martyrdom day of Comrade Bhagat Singh.
His 100th birth anniversary will be later this year on September 28th.
To commemorate this occasion I have two articles written by Com Bhagat Singh in the below posts.
More articles are available at the Marxists Internet Archives

Bhagat Singh is my great,great, uncle that's nice of you to post this in his memory. He's an amazing guy who's done more than anyone could ever do helping India in her weakest point. True revolutionary man and im honored to be realated to him.