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Invitation to join rally against arresting of Dr. binayak sen!!
Dear friends!
As you know the vice-president of PUCL Dr. binayak sen were arrested by chhatishgarg police alleged false cases. Police searched the house of Dr. sen and found some pumphalates related to resistance against US imperialism and a letter written by a CPI (Maoist) leader name Madan in which he described the worst condition of prisoners in raipur central jail and requested to take some action against this by PUCL Chhatishgarh.

Dr Binayak Sen
In this particular letter the maoist leader addresed Dr. binayak as " priya comrade binayak." the police is acclaiming that this addressing show the connection of Dr. sen with maoist.
Arresting of Dr. binayak sen triggered the all democratic and thinking people of india as well as the world. accros all over country strong protest are increasing day by day. In these instant protest justice Rajendra sachhar, world known writer Arundhati Roy, activist Sandeep pandey, seniour journalist Prabhash joshi, Ajit Bhattacharji, former Collecter B.D.Sharma, ideal IAS Harsh mandar and so many well recognize citizens show the deep solidarity with Dr. Sen and came out side to protest against the atrocity of state on human and civil right activist.
In a dramatic incident Raipur police had also arrested the PUCL Chhatishgarh's president Rajendra sail, about this you were informed earlier. But still all sheduled protest will continue.
On 31st there will be a huge mobilization of social activist, intellectuals, journalist, cultural activist,students, women and people from all section of society in Raipur. Between this there are going so many protests, seminars, rallies and dharnas.
We invites all to join the huge rally protest of raipur on 31st. this will be a strong message to the repressive and undemoctaric state. i would like to say that there is no need of any extra fomalities about this. plz. join this!!!
for detail plz. contact.
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