Thursday, August 2, 2007

Naga Battalions Reign of Terror comes to an end

Adivasi's who have sufffered under their reign of terror for two years
must be heaving a sigh of relief but until the state sponsored terror campaign
Salwa Judum is disbanded nothing can be said about the future
of bastar or Chhattisgarh.

The big question now is will these criminals ever be punished for their crimes ?

Naga police battalion reign of terror comes to an end

A battalion of the Nagaland Armed Police (NAP) has left Chhattisgarh's Maoist infested Bastar region after a two-year deployment during in which it was accused of massacring
several dozens of adivasi's in the name of fighting the Maoists.The philosophy of the
Naga Battalion was best exemplified by the disgraceful deed in which a soldier
from the battalion shot dead a petty shop keeper for a 30 Rs Underwear !

India Enews

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