Sunday, June 18, 2006

Naxalite rally at ram lila grounds , New Delhi 2010 ?

This picture is taken from the Rally of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) against the Nepali monarchy in Kathmandu, last month.
Photo courtesy - Red Diary

I don't think it will be farfetched to imagine a similiar rally could be held by
Indian revolutionaries on the Ram Lila Grounds in New Delhi by 2010.

Comrades Delhi Chalo !


  1. My friend, I seriously think you are sick in the head or have no better purpose to your life.

    You and your scumbag comrades...hehehhehe, why not you could sure have a rally. Self illusion is common trait of the human race ...

    Do your self and your comrades a favor by getting a job


  2. the name anonymous!!!!
    y & wat u afraid off??
