Saturday, October 21, 2006

CPI (Maoist) does self-assessment

CPI (Maoist) does self-assessment

JEHANABAD: In a show of characteristic resilience, CPI (Maoist) activists are believed to be engaged in a serious exercise, studying whether their strategies and forms of struggle are in consonance with the present conditions in the country.

In a document titled "New Challenges: Our Perspectives", meant for internal circulation, the CPI (Maoist) has emphasised the need for a relook at the Indian scenario, and, then redefine its strategies and field tactics.

A frank reappraisal has led the Indian Maoists to admit that the revolutionary movement in the country has been "uneven".

The document indicates that though the Maoist activities had spread to Uttaranchal, Karnataka and Kerala, it has declined in Punjab and is stagnant in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.

The reappraisal attributes the failure to the mismatch between their forms of struggle and the prevailing social conditions.

Another issue engaging the Maoists'attention is the alienation of students and workers from the revolutionary fold. The 1980s witnessed the peak of the Naxalite movement when different segments of society, students, workers, peasants women, and, to some extent, the middle class, had become effective tools of revolution.

Students and workers provided the much-needed fillip to the movement. People from these segments became the ideologues who could fire the imagination of other.

But, by the 1990s, inflow into the Naxalite movement from these two vital segments almost dried up for a variety of reasons.

It is against this backdrop that the CPI(Moist) has undertaken an exercise to redefine its response to the emerging situation, the document said.

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