Friday, November 3, 2006

Khaki Hyena's collaborate with canine relatives to fight Naxalite Lions

Khaki Hyena's collaborate with canine
relatives to fight Naxalite Lions,

Note - All this is happening in a policestation
name Pariah !

Police use dogs to fight Maoists

By C.K. Manoj , Correspondent

Patna: Bihar police are using stray dogs to counter ever-lurking attacks from well-equipped Maoist extremists.

Officers at Paraiya police station in Bihar's Gaya district, some 100 km from the state capital Patna, are sheltering as many as 36 street dogs to protect themselves from the trigger-happy Communist Party of India (Maoist) rebels.

The police spare a share of their daily food for the canines and in turn, the dogs are on round-the-clock patrol in and around the police station which is on the hit-list of the Naxalites.

"The dogs start barking the moment they sense any unusual activities around the police station and we become instantly alert.

"As such, their barks prove more helpful especially during night when the entire area remains engulfed in darkness owing to the poor power supply," said officer-in-charge of the Paraiya police station Arun Paswan.

The station does not have a generator while the power supply normally remains suspended at night.

In order to lure the stray dogs, officers have arranged a separate kitchen for them where they are served food in earthen pots especially brought for them every day. According to the officers, the dogs walk away after having their meals but return to do the "night shift" almost without fail.

"With limited manpower and resources, we can't keep vigil everywhere.

"So, we came up with the idea of taking the services of dogs and using their terrific smelling power in learning about the movements of the extremists in the region.

"What's wrong here? After all, dogs are men's best friend," said another officer Suresh Rajak.

Initially six dogs were "sheltered" inside the police station. Soon, more such dogs were 'tempted' to come in and allowed to take shelter, further boosting security.

Paraiya police adopted this idea after three policemen deployed at the station were killed in a Naxal attack last July, causing panic.

"The entire areas falling under this police station are considered an extremist belt that forced us to tame dogs inside to manage our own security," said a policeman.

Another one said, "There is a lot of hue and cry when the common villagers or leaders are killed in extremists' violence but has anyone ever cared about our own lives or security? We are obliged to make arrangements for our own security".

According to an official report, 17 out of total 38 districts of Bihar are badly infested by Naxal activities, the worst affected being Gaya, Aurangabad, Bhojpur, Jehanabad, Arwal, Kaimur, Rohtas, Nawada and Patna rural.

Central Bihar has an especially long bloody past.

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