Sunday, April 29, 2007

Internet Security


If you have visited this website in the last one year or
corresponded with us
through email in the last one
year then it is possible that your
internet connection
(if you surfed from home) and your email id is being
monitored illegally by criminal elements.

And all the the data you might have transmitted
through the net like email ids,phone numbers
been intercepted,tapped and are being monitored.

Reactionary governments/organisations have shown themselves willing to attack and intimidate people who aren't even radicals and who are just researching social and political movements. They are also willing to repress or monitor people for other reasons. Repression is a real threat in some circumstances, and Naxalrevolution takes this seriously for the sake of the people who visit this site and other sites for different reasons.

Maintaining anonymity and practicing secure behaiviour makes it more difficult for agents and officials, often violating civil rights and breaking laws, to identify people interested in revolutionary knowledge.

It also makes things harder for right-wing activists, vigilantes and other groups to ruin the lives of people interested in revolutionary education.

As a part of Internet Security week the below posts will guide you on how to adopt some of the best internet security practices and how to secure your means of communication

For any doubts or clarifications please leave a request in the comments section.

Credits: I would like to thank irtr from whom I first heard about these security practices and riseup for the detailed information and good work that they are doing.

After reading the below posts.Naxalrevolution strongly recommends that you sign up for a new email account at either

and use it to communicate with us.

Please see to it that you adhere to their terms and conditions.

Full list of important articles and
email providers is given in the below posts.
Please read them all !

1. Why Security matters

2. Simple measures for email security

3. Security resources for activists

4. Install an anti-virus and keep it updated

5. Use a firewall for your personal computer

6.How to browse the Internet anonymously from
home,office or any other place

7. Browse the web using TOR

Blog Resources

1. How to backup your blog and get around any future bans

2. How to blog via email

3. How to restrict access to your blog

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