Thursday, April 12, 2007

Our New Email Id

Our new email is

naxalrevolution(at the rate) hushmail(dot)com

Please email all future queries and correspondence to the above email id.


Team Naxalrevolution

1 comment:

  1. India: Now, there is golden opportunity for Maoists and Naxalists of India to take revenge on Congress(I) party leaders because they are not in power now. Kill Congress(I) leaders from Gram Panchayet level to MLA, MP level secretly and with pre-planned. Kill them by suffocating if you are unable to carry weapon. This is golden time for you to kill Congress(I) leaders one by one. Do not do any more delay. Kill them and throw their body by the side of the road. Do not claim that you had killed them. Kill and remain silent. If you do not claim then nobody is going to suspect you. And wait for communal riots. During any communal riots, kill congress leaders in such way, so that, people think that mobs have killed them. Our target is to weed Congress(I) leaders from society so that supporters of Congress get afraid of and become calm and quiet. Please make plan throughout India and start killing. Start from Gram Panchayet level and gradually target MLA and MPs.
