Thursday, July 13, 2006

Profile - Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCP)

Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCP) - :Leading maoist party in bangladesh

Base of Operation: Bangladesh

Founding Philosophy:

The Purba Banglar Communist Party (PBCP) is among the many Maoist splinter organizations in Bangladesh. It was founded in the year 1968 following a split in the Bangladesh Communist Party (BCP). It has been outlawed since the time of the military regime of Zia-ur-Rehman. There has been a spurt in the activities of the PBCP since the beginning of the year 2002, in a reversal of trend.


Mofakkar Chowdhury is the chief of the PBCP.

Objectives and Ideology

The PBCP has a revolutionary agenda of capturing state power through armed struggle. Its draws inspiration from the Chinese revolution.

In the opinion of the PBCP, oppression by the people of the then West Pakistani was the principal reason that lead to the liberation war in the territories of the then East Pakistan following which Bangladesh was formed. The PBCP is staunchly nationalist and perceives that India is a hegemon in the sub-continent, which it says is the 'principle contraction' facing Bangladesh.

The PBCP is strongly opposed to the presence of feudal elements in Bangladesh. Ideologically, it closer to the Marxist-Leninist groups of India and wishes to launch a joint movement along with progressive parties in India, particularly the Naxalites of West Bengal. The PBCP entertains the hope that China would, at some time in the future, provide significant assistance in realising its goals.

Areas of activity

The PBCP has pockets of influence in south-west Bangladesh, bordering the Indian State of West Bengal. Its presence can be noticed in districts such as Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Magura, Meherpur, Narail, Kushtia, Jessore, Jhenidah, Chuadanga and Pirojpur.

The Purbo Banglar Communist Party (PBCP) is a Maoist organization dedicated to ridding Bangladesh of class exploitation and establishing a communist government. Its most common tactics are assassination and intimidation.

The group targets local political leaders, as well as police informants and members of rival terrorist groups, particularly Islamist movements. They also have relationships with other Maoist organizations in South Asia, and have helped train small numbers of rebels from neighboring countries. PBCP raises money through extortion, ransom, and contract killings. "Purbo Banglar" means East Bengal in Bengali.

In June of 2005, the group detonated a bomb outside the office of the ruling Bangladesh Nationalist Party, injuring the party’s district vice president. PBCP has also fought Islamic militants from other terrorist groups. The conflict has severely affected civilians in parts of the country, who are threatened and exploited by the Islamic extremists.

Current Goals: Citing Mao Tse Tung as a model, the PBCP aims to overthrow the parliamentary system in Bangladesh and replace it with communism.Several members, including key leadership, have been killed or arrested in the past year by police.

There are reportedly two PBCP groups currently operating. The status of their relationship is unknown. The two groups are referred to as the Janajuddho and Red Flag factions of PBCP. Their goals and tactics are identical. The division seems to represent a leadership dispute between Abdur Rashid Malitha and Moffakar Chowdhury in 2002.

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