Thursday, August 2, 2007

Karnataka: Land Struggle in More Areas

The CPI(M-L)Kanu Sanyal a parliamentary naxalite faction
seems to have dug in its heels and is preparing
to wage a protracted land struggle in Karnataka.

Karnataka: Land Struggle in More Areas

Koppal: In Koppal district for two SEZs to be operated by MSPL-SCMN ISPAT like MNCs and corporate houses ten thousands acres of land including 3700 acres of government land is earmarked for allocation. Already the small and middle peasants have formed peasant committees and have launched anti-SEZ campaign. Under the banner of CPI(ML) and KRS landless and poor peasants of Bansapur, Kidadal and Ginager villages were organised and 350 acres of government land is occupied, distributed to the families and tilling and cultivation work started from 20th June. Hundreds of peasants are mobilised in this struggle.

On 6th July marching 60 kms from their villages the landless and poor peasants went to Nelgipur where the chief minister was attending a programme. More than 350 landless people gheraoed the chief minister in spite of the presence of a large police force and demanded the distribution of the government land to landless families. The struggle against SEZ and with the slogan “land to the tillers” is gaining momentum in this district and spreading to more areas.

RAICHUR: Against the decision of the state government to transfer hundreds of acres of government land near about and in the city to a SEZ, on 9th July the slum dwellers, organised by CPI(ML), who are predominantly landless families, marched to these lands and put red flag occupying it. Hundreds of policemen led by district collector come and arrested many of the peasants and party leader including com. R. Manasayya. Prohibitive orders under Section 144 was imposed in the area.

On 24th June breaking the prohibitive orders a big rally was organised in which more than are thousand slum dwellers participated. In the public meeting in which thousands attended CPI(ML) leaders declared that all government land will be captured and distributed to landless families for cultivation.

MANVI: More than 300 families landless people of nearby area under the leadership of the party occupied 148 acres of agricultural land lying fallow in Muraharipur village on 24th July. The peasants have started tilling and cultivating the land.

NANDIGUDI SEZ: Nandigudi near Bangalore city is earmarked for a big SEZ occupying nearly 40,000 acres of agricultural land. Peasants have already started spontaneous struggles chasing away survey teams. While it is the Congress-led UPA government at centre which is spearheading the SEZs, in Karnataka, Congress which is in opposition is trying to hijack the movement claiming to oppose the SEZ. What TMC did in Nandigram is repeated by Congress in Nandigudi. Exposing this CPI(ML) teams undertook campaign in a number of villages. Peasants are mobilised in seven villages and one public meeting address by com. R. Manasayya and other comrades also was organised. Campaigning is continuing to build a people’s movement opposed to SEZs defeating the machinations of the BJP-JD(S) state government and the conspiracy of Congress.

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